Education and training for a globally sustainable workforce

To meet the needs of the people we serve

6th Developing Excellence in Medical Education Conference

8 - 9 December 2025 | The ICC, Birmingham

The 2025 edition is an In Person event only



Demec keynote

DEMEC is managed in collaboration by the leading organisations in medical education and training across the UK who are coming together again to provide this unique and high quality joint national UK Medical Education conference.

At a time of change, risks and opportunities, with a recognised need for collaboration across traditional boundaries, this conference has inspired and motivated its audience as a platform for learning and linking participants with experts and  peers across the country.

Over 1300 attendees attended the 5th DEMEC hybrid conference in 2023, delivered across 2 days with:

parallel sessions
digital posters
Spotlight on Poster Presentations

Why is the conference theme important?


What we got from attending the conference

Key takeaways

Congratulations on an excellent conference which seemed to work incredibly well across both digital and in-person formats. It was a pleasure to take part and the content/speakers were hugely insightful.
2023 attendee
Very good updates having been out the loop for the past 18 months. I attended research focused sessions which are extremely useful for my current career in med ed trajectory
2023 attendee
This is my 4th attendance at DEMEC, this time first virtual. Thank you DEMEC you always deliver high quality conferences and never fail to deliver
2023 attendee
Good range of innovative and new ideas
2023 attendee
So pleased I went! Excellent programme and range of speakers/topics that were all high quality and thought provoking. Thank you!”
2023 attendee
Another amazing conference. Having attended all four meetings this years was highly innovative, stimulated thoughts and achieved all aims
2023 attendee
Brilliant I really enjoyed the emphasis on equality and diversity
2023 attendee

Organised and hosted jointly by

Academy of Medical Educators
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
Dental Schools Council
Medical Education Leaders UK
Medical Schools Council
NHS Confederation
NHS England
NHS Education for Scotland
Northern Ireland mdta